Creative writing English Controlled Assessment

Go Compare, Go Compare, other services that don’t have annoying anthems!
Don’t you hate the go compare advert? The irritating earworm was designed to entice customers by associating their service with a chubby middle aged waiter that looks as if he were wearing a slightly boring halloween costume. Yeah, they certainly achieved that. Anyone who hears that advert starts to slam their head against the wall in irritance as the company really scrapes the bottom of the barrel for themes like this to base their adverts on.
Aren’t there people that watch these things before they are aired? Surely you woukd have thought that they would have seen the

After the first airing of that advert you’d have thought that they would have seen the negative polls and that the advert was hurting their business and realised that this whole shamble of a plumped waiter that looks like Wario singing a song that would have probably been voted -5 out of 10 in Simon Cowel’s vote on X factor. Ultimately I believe that these adverts are just a general offence to the public. “Go Compare, Go Compare Shut the #u@% up” was what my chief executor said whenever it came on the television the other day. When you manage to anger so many people, including my boss, you know that you are dead man walking. But no, instead of taking the easy route they said “Ok so this isn’t working for the but what if we amplify the vocals and add another verse, maybe that will help our cause.”

I deduce that there should be a ban on adverts like these. They hurt me to the very core and they help nobody! We hate it, so therefore don’t go and check out the website and if we hate it they hate it because it doesn’t increase their profit.





