Exam style questions: Bias texts on Gay marriage

Both articles share the same story about the letter imploring David Cameron to delay a vote on same-sex marriage until after the next election which is until 2015. Furthermore, according to the newspaper articles, the letter was also signed by some Conservative party members and delivered by personally by a small group of party members to Downing Street.
Whereas the amount of party members that actual signed the letter to David Cameron differs because in one article 20 Conservative party members signed whereas in another article 22 party members signed the letter.
Yet, these articles are differing in their statement of the overall impact of the letter as there is an apparent 1% of total votes will be against gay marriage and another states that there is a high level of controversy and division in opinion.

The articles overall are bias as both articles a subjective to different opinions and state that there is either a majority or a minority of people that will change their opinions as to who they will vote for in the next election.





